Thursday, October 8, 2020

How-To Make FREE LinkedIn Engagement Pods With LinkBoost: Demonstration


In this video, I'm going to show you how to set up your own LinkedIn engagement pod privately, whether you're a company, you're an entrepreneur, or you're in a professional business association. It doesn't really matter because if you're with, if you have a network of people who genuinely really want to support each other - like sales teams in companies, or, you know, chamber of commerce, what have you, this is a fantastic way of automating engagement to make sure that all of your posts get is much post reach and as much brand awareness as possible. While growing each other's professional networks. So, easily, one of the best B2B LinkedIn growth hacks for 2020 right now, pretty excited to show you. So let's jump in!

So what we're going to do here is we're going to go into our LinkBoost, Chrome extension, like, so... And just wanna make sure that you're, you're able to see me here. And then what we're gonna do is we're going to go to pods and then we're going to go to new pod, and then we're going to call it the Darragh's company pod.

Yeah, that's what we're going to call it. I don't need to make this too fancy. Right. and then we can put in a little description it's not really super necessary if you're doing a private pod, because you don't really want people necessarily to to know about it and you're making it invitation only, right?

 So this is the way that you would do it. You can pre-arrange whatever auto-comments you'd like to have in this pod there yep. You can, you can write in your own ones and all that kind of stuff. We'll talk about what this is and how to use it and why it's important in the engagement pods course on the section on auto-commenting. But yeah, so this is basically how you would create your own engagement pod. So once we created the pod we can then go into it, Darragh's company pod, obviously I'm the only one and that, cause we're just doing an example.

But you can change, you can make the settings, so I'm gonna make this private pod. And I want everyone to auto like posts, and I want everyone to auto-comment on posts because this is a private pod. That is that's what we're doing. So that is how you create your own private pod. Make sure that that's checked and then we'll go to save. And then once you've got your posts that you want to share with your company, I'll use this example again here. We'll go to copy, link to post, and then we'll go to posts and then we will do a new post. And then on we'll look for Darragh's company pod. We'll say, obviously that's not what we're going to do. But just for this example, and then you hit in this URL.

Again, you find that right in these three little dots for whatever post you're wanting to boost. Copy and paste that choose the pod. You want that to happen in and then choose the engagement intervals. We talk about the, in part three of the (LinkedIn) engagement pod course in LinkedIn algorithm strategies what the intervals, the best use for each of these intervals is in order to maximize LinkedIn's algorithm to get you as much free visibility on your content as possible. So make sure to be a part of that engagement pods course, if that's of interest otherwise that, and then you'd hit create new post to get it started. And there's no users, but you'll once you have your coworkers or your friends or your professional association in that engagement pod this error will not be there. And you guys will be able to support each other and help each other, get your message out further on LinkedIn. 

So that is how to create a LinkedIn engagement pod for your own company or for your friend network or for similar minded individuals and professional associations. Hope you found this useful and keep an eye out for the next video.

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